Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Open House and Barbecue

Eating and Greeting - What Fun!
It was an absolutely perfect day for a barbecue; clear blue sunny skies, warm temperature, but not too warm with low humidity.  Under the shade of the trees in front of Beth Tikvah Synagogue a group of current members mingled with prospective members while enjoying the beef hot dogs, vegan hot dogs, and vegan burgers masterfully grilled by Bill along with delicious home-made potato salad by Abbe and parve brownies from Benita.  It was so great to see so many friends after the long summer break.  This was our best attended end-of-summer barbecue yet!  The kids all had a blast running around, seeing friends they hadn't seen in months, making pipe cleaner figurines, and blowing bubbles.  Did any of the kids use the face paints?   Thank you to everyone who helped set-up, clean-up and brought side dishes for the barbecue.  Thank you to everyone who attended and made such a memorable event.  We have a great year planned, starting with our High Holiday services next week. Later in September we are holding a very special Sukkot event.  More information about this event will be in the Beth Tikvah newsletter. You can subscribe to the newsletter on our website, www.bethtikvahsynagogue.org.  I do hope we get to see some of our new friends at the services and other events during the year.  

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