Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why a blog, isn't Facebook enough?

Beth Tikvah has a website, Facebook page, and electronic newsletter, so why a blog too?  Recently, I attended the NewCAJE conference in Dudley, MA.  During this conference, I attended a number of sessions on using social media as a communication tool within the synagogue and the school and they all talked about blogging. The sessions also talked about Twitter and what a great tool that is for communication.  I'm not sure I'm ready to join the twitterverse yet, but a foray into blogging seemed appropriate.  Looking at our current communication tools, the website is fairly static and provides information about the organization.  The newsletter provides updates and information to those who subscribe.  Both the newsletter and website provide communication in only one direction, from the Synagogue to the congregation.  On the other hand, Facebook does provide information, has pictures and videos of interest to the congregation, and it allows  for 2-way communication in the form of comments back and forth.  However, it is limited to those who participate in Facebook.  This blog will allow us to communicate stories, pictures, and videos that we hope will be of interest to the congregation and friends of Beth Tikvah and engage in a dialogue through the comments to posts.  Cross-posting between, the website, newsletter, Facebook, and this blog should help us get our message out to more people.  One of our goals this year is to increase our membership and I believe we need to use all the tools at our disposal to achieve this objective. So, if you see a post, or newsletter article, or upcoming event in Facebook, share with your friends that might be interested in joining us.  We have a fantastic Synagogue with an outstanding religious school.  Let's not keep it a secret.  See you at the High Holiday services. Check out our website,, for information on the High Holiday schedules and tickets.

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